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Route option B


Route option B

This proposal improves the existing shared use cycle and pedestrian provision from Sully to Cosmeston, alongside Lavernock Road.

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Route option B

This represents the 'do minimum' option.  Proposals for this option are to widen the existing shared walking and cycling provision along the eastern boundary of Lavernock Road between Sully and Cosmeston.

The existing shared use would be widened to form a 3m wide shared use path.  It is also proposed to reduce the speed limit to 30mph along this portion of Lavernock Road.


The route would cost the least of the three proposed options.  It would ensure direct access to facilities along Lavernock Road, including bus stops.  Could be perceived the safer route option due to its proximity to the existing highway.


The route is in close proximity to Lavernock Road which is currently subject to a 40mph speed limit, that could give the perception of an unsafe route.  Would require a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for a speed reduction.  Would involve removal of grass verge.

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