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Consultation on design of Active Travel Route along old railway line now LIVE / Ymgynghoriad ar ddylunio Llwybr Teithio Llesol ar hyd hen reilffordd bellach yn FYW

Following our previous consultation on route options for an active travel route between Sully and Cosmeston, we now have a design that we would like your comments on. Please follow this link:

Yn dilyn ein hymgynghoriad blaenorol ar opsiynau llwybrau ar gyfer llwybr teithio llesol rhwng Sili a Cosmeston, mae gennym nawr ddyluniad yr hoffem eich sylwadau arno. Dilynwch y ddolen hon:

Posted on 12th April 2023

by Lisa Elliott

Consultation report published / Cyhoeddi adroddiad ymgynghori

The consultation report has been finalised and will be made available on our webpage shortly. Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment and share their opinions on the proposed routes. Consultation report - Sully to Cosmeston route options - FINAL.pdf

Mae'r adroddiad ymgynghori wedi ei gwblhau a'i ddarparu ar ein tudalen we. Diolch i bawb a gymerodd y tro i wneud sylwadau a rhannu eu barn ar y llwybrau arfaethedig. Consultation report - Sully to Cosmeston route options - WELSH FINAL.pdf

Posted on 9th August 2022

by Lisa Elliott

Thank you for your comments / Diolch i chi am eich sylwadau

The consultation is closing today. We will take some time to go through them, answer any queries and produce a post consultation report. This will published on our webpage when it is finalised.

Thank you for the time taken to comment on the proposal.

Mae’r ymgynghoriad yn cau heddiw. Byddwn yn cymryd peth amser i fynd drwyddynt, ateb unrhyw ymholiadau a chynhyrchu adroddiad ôl-ymgynghoriad. Bydd hwn yn cael ei gyhoeddi ar ein tudalen we pan fydd wedi'i gwblhau.

Diolch am yr amser a gymerodd i roi sylwadau ar y cynnig.

Posted on 10th March 2022

by Lisa Elliott