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Route option B contributions

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over 2 years ago


Why do you feel this way?

• fails to meet standards for Active Travel routes

What do you think about this proposed route?


Any other comments?

Hazardous for pedestrians to share a path with 20mph cyclists. Bad for cyclists to have to stop to cross and recross the Lavernock Rd. Gradients too steep for active travel route.

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over 2 years ago


Why do you feel this way?

• Not a direct route

• bad crossing over the road twice. Interrupted by Swanbridge Road

Any other comments?

No space for 4metre width without taking a strip off the roadway. Hazardous for pedestrians including kids and dogs, with fast cyclists coming from behind. Contrary to Active travel guidance to have a non-segregated cycle/walk route.

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over 2 years ago


Why do you feel this way?

• Not a direct route

What do you think about this proposed route?


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over 2 years ago


Why do you feel this way?

• Will not cycle/walk/wheel here

• Bad for the environment

What do you think about this proposed route?


Any other comments?

From the S From the St Mary’s Well Bay Road turning to The Vineyard and beyond, to widen it to even a clear 3 metres would require the removal of all lighting standards and street signs and replacement of the hedge with a fence (to avoid the current problem of branches and brambles and of thorns particularly following hedge cutting). Its use is noisy alongside a busy road which will become busier when the current and approved building estates are completed as there are no viable proposals to get most of those commuting to Cardiff (or for shopping in Penarth) to get out of their cars. It involves a hill between the St Mary’s Well Bay Road junction and The Vineyards At the north end, there is no easy way of extending the wider track on Lavernock Road north of the entrance to Ego restaurant so cyclists would be forced onto the main road.t Mary’s Well Bay Road turning to The Vineyard and beyond, to widen it to even a clear 3 metres would require the removal of all lighting standards and street signs and replacement of the hedge with a fence (to avoid the current problem of branches and brambles and of thorns particularly following hedge cutting). Its use is noisy alongside a busy road which will become busier when the current and approved building estates are completed as there are no viable proposals to get most of those commuting to Cardiff (or for shopping in Penarth) to get out of their cars. It involves a hill between the St Mary’s Well Bay Road junction and The Vineyards At the north end, there is no easy way of extending the wider track on Lavernock Road north of the entrance to Ego restaurant so cyclists would be forced onto the main road.

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over 2 years ago


Why do you feel this way?

• Will not cycle/walk/wheel here

What do you think about this proposed route?


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